I miss hearing girl logic. They smell good too.
So I don't think I'm going to wear the big boy shoes and take this 45 K a year job. I can't waste all the time and effort I put to arting. Plus I'm not a fan of the "get that car and get that girl" lifestyle. Which reminds me I should apply to the Darling Foundry soon. I've been shuffling more papers and photoshoping quite a bit. I skated last night and hung out with Alex and David. We drank a dirty forty and then ran to a couple of clubs.
I forgot why I stopped going out.... CAUSE I HAVE TOO MUCH FUN. . . and it gets me into trouble. A couple of drinks later I got denied to a couple of posh places cause I'm a poka dot mess with "baggy pants". We ended up at Foufs where I danced to some super cool fun electro with cute girls. That's where the situation started... Dave pushed a bouncer cause he was dishing out attitude. This is where the night went sour, the bouncer picks Dave up and throws him out of the club. He passes out and I try to help him but two bouncers grab me by the throat and legs some how. I gave them a warning that David was a lethal weapon and he might wake up and throw some brown belt judo on their asses. Sigh. I run into the club after being thrown out to get my bag and other friend. As soon as I get out three cop cars and two ambulances were there for us. Dave was out cold. I picked the guy up and threw him in a cab cause we have some unresolved issues with the police. So this is the morning after and I've just finished a conversation about Canada's Education system and how cheap it is to go to school. We have the lowest tuition fee EVER. I'm going to go check out some gallery and skate. Laura had cold feet last night. Hahaha
I have a crush on Katherine Keener.
my feet are doing better now
behave in the club.
Oh I do behave. My friend is a mess when he drinks apparently... The Belgo had some pretty cool works and some not so much.
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